Monday Aug 23, 2021
Courageous Leadership with Sharon Deal
Monday Aug 23, 2021
Monday Aug 23, 2021
Sharon Deal has a passion to transform lives, life and leadership. She is a courageous leader that not only walks the talk but has the ability to support leaders with becoming courageous. She believes courage is contagious and has a passion to scale courageous leadership in teams and organizations. Sharon believes that the key to courage is being anchored in Who you are and leading from this place. This shifts everything about how leaders show up because courageous leadership leads to cultures of brave work, tough conversations, and whole hearts where the armoring up process is not necessary or rewarded.
After her 25 years as a leader and owner in the corporate environment, she is especially effective in working with entrepreneurs, executives and their teams. She is the founder of the Who am I Foundation where she engages individuals and organisations through educating, facilitating, coaching and training. Sharon is an EQ Practitioner, Facilitator and Assessor and Conversational Intelligence Coach.
Monday Aug 09, 2021
Breaking Down Barriers to Change with Ajene Wilcoxson
Monday Aug 09, 2021
Monday Aug 09, 2021
Ajene Wilcoxson is a Professor of Business, a student of Logotherapy, and a Certified Six Seconds Emotional Intelligence Facilitator and Assessor and Practitioner. He focuses on helping his students and clients to develop an EQ Mindset, and facilitates inspirational talks, workshops as a consultant, but most importantly, he is a teacher. A teacher from the perspective of being a guide, helper, and mentor in the Life-Learning Process. His passion and foundation are living and teaching how to experience a Soul-Centered, Emotionally Intelligent Life.
Ajené is the recipient of the Dr. John W. Rice Diversity and Equity Award, the Dr. Regina Stanback-Stroud Diversity Award, and the ACBSP National Teaching Excellence Award
Monday Jun 28, 2021
Self Managing Organizations and Teams With Chiara Borello
Monday Jun 28, 2021
Monday Jun 28, 2021
According to Chiara, our systems are not equipped to provide the necessary support to adapt and ease the helplessness and inadequacy people experience when their territory is changing unprecedentedly. She supports leaders with or without titles to tap into an internal variable to achieve their goals mindfully and creatively to adapt to the impact of change.
Chiara has 10 years’ experience in senior management for high-end fashion houses and manufacturing, 10 years of personal and organizational development, and 6 years in collaborating with organizations to create human-centric self-managed teams or self-managed organizations. According to Chiara, "Just because a team is self-managed, it doesn't mean there is no hierarchy."
Learn more about Chiara at www.solutionsorg.ca
Friday Jun 04, 2021
Thinking Differently About Leadership with Des McCabe
Friday Jun 04, 2021
Friday Jun 04, 2021
Des McCabe is an Entrepreneur, author, podcaster and humanitarian. He is one of the UK's leading specialists in inclusion job creation and personal development. He helps to find work for 5,000 unemployed people every year and is recognized as one of Europe's Top 500 job creation entrepreneurs.
His humanitarian work includes the establishment of The Training Trust that supports orphanages in Romania, as well as anti-poverty work in Ghana and Madagascar.
Des' podcast is, "Thinking Differently About Everything" and in it, he challenges comfortable, traditional thinking! Listen in to learn more about how Des Thinks Differently About Leadership.
Wednesday May 19, 2021
The Purest Form of Trust with Lea Brovedani
Wednesday May 19, 2021
Wednesday May 19, 2021
Lea Brovedani - author and Trust Architect- has distinguished herself for many years of thought leadership in Trust by Trust Across America. Listen in to learn about the purest form of trust and some of the things you can do to cultivate it. Get more information about Lea Brovedani at https://leabrovedani.com/blog/.
You're welcome to join our vibrant network of leaders who are challenging the leadership paradigm in an innovative learning and impact network. Check out our webpage at IFBNetwork.co to learn more about, and join our exciting ecosystem of high-performing leaders. Enjoy the episode!
Monday Jun 03, 2019
From "Me" to "We" with Joan Underwood
Monday Jun 03, 2019
Monday Jun 03, 2019
Yvette Bethel interviews Joan Underwood, award-winning, co-founder of Underwood Talent Development Services, subject matter expert at the Cave Hill School of Business, and Ambassador to a number of Latin American Countries. They explore how leaders can integrate their own values and goals with the values and goals of their team members so they can inspire and build increasingly successful teams.
Monday May 13, 2019
Diagnosing Team Performance Gaps with Bobby Ogilvie
Monday May 13, 2019
Monday May 13, 2019
Yvette's guest, Bobby Ogilvie, is an emotional intelligence coach based in Canada who coaches leaders and facilitates team transformation helping these teams to achieve agility, and develop strategic insights. He recruits and analyses performance so he can support improved capacity and business value. In this episode, Bobby will share tools, methods, and strategies you can use to diagnose performance and enhance team capacity by improving the collective emotional quotient.
Monday Apr 29, 2019
Sandpaper People with Maria Jackson
Monday Apr 29, 2019
Monday Apr 29, 2019
Maria Jackson is an author and writer for Six Seconds, the largest global emotional intelligence organization. Her noble goal is to nurture inner illumination and she is grateful to work and live in a world where she can practice her noble goal. In this episode, Maria and Yvette discuss sandpaper people and attachment styles. Listen in to learn more about who they are and how to navigate different attachment styles.
Monday Apr 15, 2019
Creating a Vital Corporate Culture with Daphne Bernicker
Monday Apr 15, 2019
Monday Apr 15, 2019
My guest for this episode is Daphne Bernicker, founder of Human Aim, a coaching and consulting company and Six Seconds Preferred Partner. She is joining me on Evolve to talk about her recently released white paper, "Vital Corporate Culture at Vega Energy Partners." Join us as we explore how to vitalize your culture using emotional intelligence.
Monday Mar 18, 2019
Balance, Flow, and Quantum Leadership With Edwin Clamp
Monday Mar 18, 2019
Monday Mar 18, 2019
Evolve: Reinventing Leadership – Building Freedom Cultures with CEO and award-winning author, Yvette Bethel. This podcast provides leaders with solutions to build trust, inspire authentic transformation, and improve engagement. Learn about new and tested ways you can revitalize your culture, empower people, and transform your results.
This episode is a conversation between Yvette Bethel and Edwin Clamp. Edwin is a Quantum Innovator, Foresight Consultant and Adjunct Professor with an unshakable interest in quantum leadership and the application of quantum principles in business. Join Edwin and Yvette as they explore Interconnectivity, Flow and Balance from a quantum perspective.
Learn more at https://theconsciousorganization.com